Life in Dörröd V The last first days

The last first days for ourselves.

Currently, my day job is giving love and care to this old tiny lady dog. She gives me the look when I don't let her do her way, so then she cuddles all evening with the man when he comes home from the real normal job. Is this how parenthood is? Mom with rules, but her father with "don't tell mum"? But anyway I love this little pooper and will miss our daily walks. Sometimes we go more than 10 km, sometimes only 2 km. But most of the time, she's jolly on every walk.

What's new in Skåne highlands? Still having walks, high productivity, spot on housewife skills improved, trying to fix the fence that the chick stays alive, seeing my lovely neighbours, taking too many photos... And having NO WI-FI. So I'm sorry if I ignore some, I have Wi-Fi for a brief moment. It just disappeared.... But don't really need. Anyway, since yesterday finally the days got a bit greyer mood. The sunshine lasted until Tuesday, which I enjoyed every sunrise and sunset... But. Gray sky makes me more productive if the sun shines all the time, all I wanna do is just be outdoors... Autumn this year has spoiled me with colours and sun....  I am writing this while waiting the time to go for another walk with Chai to the main road and wait for my friends to come by public transport-taxi. Today not so productive day as I have a short time for myself before they get here, but somehow managed to finish all the chores that I had time for a nap in a hammock next to the house forest. We will have a bit busy weekend. 

Having a little bit of melancholic mood, as the days to be here are coming close to an end. I have not missed Malmö at any moment. Those who I would like to meet, have stayed in touch with me and will come visit, but when you go away for a while, it often becomes like "people detox" after the time you see who wants to we share time together. But in general mood, I feel energetic, calmer and have a healthy well-being. Me and Chai have created a nice routine for our walks, we wake up around 6:40, have yoga/stretching minutes, then we go out for a walk with camera and catch the sun. I think we usually are back around 9:00am and then we eat, from 10-1230 I do my study work and bits and bobs online, lunch, then another walk in the afternoon sun, and then it depends when we are back, but we usually come back by 1530-1600... Then it's dark and calm, she goes to nap, I do something whatever needs to be done in the household, and later on the man comes home and dinner hours begins until Chai and he falls asleep by the fireplace before 22:00! :) 

Of course, it would be a lot more different if we actually lived in the countryside house, because need to take care of outdoors, animals and always something to fix, improve and get firewood, and all other small planning details. Our only plan we had to follow was our eating and shopping. I made a plan for food, checked what we can eat from what's already there, wrote down our usual meals/ingredients and planned that we never run out of food, also as we had dinners with neighbours and friends coming we planned to have extra shopping on those days. The plan has gone well by now.

Nature therapy, organisation, slow time for myself - all I needed.

And here are the photos of "I can't oversleep mornings like these" vibe....

This is part 1 of life in Dörröd.
This is the 2nd part of life in Dörröd, when it felt we have settled in...
This was our first weekend just us and the dogs, part 3.
The part 4 with the most beautiful monday.
