My favourite local "influencers" of Malmö-Skåne. TOP12+more

Recently on MalmöTown shared their recommended local Instagrammers. Before seeing all of them, I felt excited to see what they have discovered! After three photo stories I was massively let down and furious (yup!). On Instagram, my reality consists of three worlds: Latvian gang (influencers, friends, random) and outdoor lifestyle-society leavers, and some living in Sweden locals. The last one is the smallest group, and my followers are 90% Latvian community as well, so, I am not so much into of what's happening around me, but I do know few locals even if I don't follow them loudly and actively. Sometimes I search for them to see what they have been up to. I am a bad "follower".
Nevermind my following style, I do have some favourite locals I recommend, and I wrote to MalmöTown how upsetting was their research skills! Their answer was polite and distant as you can expect - searching for high quality and blah blah. My opinion was that - if they have such power to recommend the locals, they could have done better research and show how INTERESTING IDEAS, SOCIAL PROJECTS, QUIRKY PERSONALITIES live in Malmö who are promoting such diverse lifestyle of Malmöers. AND I believe the stories of people are WAY MORE interesting than a just perfect photo.
And as can maybe guess by my descriptions of each photo, some of these inspiring people I have met or I do know them. So, this is really my own personal opinion.
My top favourites #malmöinfluencers
1. Polly

She is a short storyteller and definitely has been a master of writing in her previous life (even now, but I mean I think she was Dostojevskij or someone like that! :D ). Only her texts are in her mother language Russian, but thanks to Instagram translator texts in English are 95% perfect! Her quirky ways of explaining her Swedish life to her Russian audience is what I think has drawn attention on her Instagram the most. A visualist, designer and a word master. If you don't want to read, can look at her pretty pictures of our town Malmö. She does find nice corners and edges of the city and is a cafe-trooper, so a visitor or a newbie can research her Instagram to find the coolest spots in Malmö. But honestly... Just follow her for her cultural everyday stories with a positive twist and laughter.
With her different and interesting perspective on Swedish culture, she started her own design brand in 2017, focused on, guess what, Swedish culture! :) She has put all her energy, love and passion into this project, so, give some love here: Knappbyrån.
Polly's input in Malmö community: culture exchange and bringing Russian's closer to understand the quirks of Swedishness.
2. Kim Goes Eko

About Kim (who goes Eco) I have written on my blog about her huge impact on Malmö community quiet few times before, here is one of the texts about the "queen of the fashion revolution in Malmö". She focuses on the sustainable side of Malmö, mainly in the fashion industry (personally I know she is not a vegan, so, all her sustainability focuses goes into fashion and entrepreneurship projects). She does tell stories of her life and her thoughts on consumer lifestyle, gives tips on organized and planned productivity, or "less is more", and updates on what's new in the world of sustainable design. There is no any other Malmö sustainability fashion geek as her, so, check out! Also as she works in consultancy to startups, she knows the best and newest projects in town! Kim is kind of a "sustainability gardener" in people minds through her job at Drivhuset.
Kim's input in Malmö community: all about the fairtrade and sustainable places and shops, and fashion in Malmö, changing the 20th century's consumers mindset to "less is more".
3. Jens Lennartson // Mindful Vanlife

Jens is a photographer and a life coach to creatives, and many more 'things', he is a universal human being, and one of the rare so honest, raw and open characters in Swedish Instagram community. I started following his work late 2014 and since then I have a been a secret online stalker and enjoying reading all his e-mail newsletter updates! He is a true storyteller, not just with photos, but his words! I always re-read his newsletters at least three times. He shares a lot of his way of living - be free and enjoy everything. Meanwhile, he might seem to be "he got all", he is still down to earth human being and is vulnerable about his life experiences and that's why helps others to get back on track on a path. Jenn's Instagram reflects the beautiful Swedish countryside in the South, he and his dog travelling in his old-school van and travelling abroad. Now his van life girlfriend will be joining too and as he said "just another good looking "insta" couple" will be noticed in Skåne more. He has refreshing new kind documentary photographer's view and through his photos, I often feel like I am there too.
As a photographer, he is famous for his Malmö based project. A photograph of each nationality living in Malmö showing how beautifully diverse is this town in Sweden, no any other like that in Sweden!
His new project: MINDFUL VAN LIFE.
As a photographer, he is famous for his Malmö based project. A photograph of each nationality living in Malmö showing how beautifully diverse is this town in Sweden, no any other like that in Sweden!
His new project: MINDFUL VAN LIFE.
Jen's input in Malmö community: exploring life through artistic approaches and making a lemonade from lemons. And sharing his discoveries, knowledge, skills and research. He is a life teacher. Follow his newsletters!
4. Olivia-Trawave // Rent a yogi // Vågamore.

She is the wild one! Pure-hearted and want to do good vibe person. To recognize her on the street: most colourful and with the biggest smile on the face, then you know that's Olivia! She's a yoga teacher, a surf girl and full-time blogger. Her audience is all across the globe. She is very open about her life path how she seeks a joy in small things and how surfing changed and shaped her personality. Oh, travel the wave - she does travel whenever she has a chance and you can follow her humorous Instagram stories. Recently Olivia started new projects within yoga, it's called "rent a yogi" and a retreat! Digital Marketing Retreat for Bloggers - Vågamore.
What I love about her is how she constantly sees everything "hahaha look at this, this is so cute/so beautiful/wow, so nice!" and so on. Because that's what is the most interesting about people - seeing what they are curious about! One of the daily life inspiration seeker - Malmö blogger, you'll see she keeps herself busy on Instagram, reminding every morning a motivational quote (you can hate it, but after awhile, it does draw your attention positively). That's just who she is, she does and shares in what she believes in!
Olivia's input in Malmö community: You will receive daily motivational quotes, stories and images, and always will know what's up with yoga in Malmö.
5. Emilio // From Studio // Malmö Clothing Co

A designer and creative community builder Emilio. I personally don't know him, only met once shortly, but what I have heard about him from people who know him says that: "he is a doer, he has an idea and he just goes for it, just do it!" I don't know all the projects he has built in Malmö, but these two I know are worth mentioning: he built amazing co-working space, not like any other usual office space. Well, in Malmö there are many, many co-working spaces for freelancers and everyone can choose for the style and atmosphere, but "From Studio" is definitely more alternative and down to earth. And the other idea he built is an alternative tourism shop of Malmö! Malmö Clothing Co. When he established it, I thought "that's so funny, I had such idea for few months too!" as I was feeling there are no interesting local design projects for tourists, only the traditional boring stuff. I am not a doer, but a thinker, so, seeing his project I was happy to see someone has done it and it's him! :D
Emilio's input in Malmö community: Well, he is a social designer, he 'creates' spaces and projects about, with and of Malmö!
6. Teres Arvidsson // Vastrahamnen // Doc LoungeMalmö

All that she does, I think is every millennial dream. What has she not done in her life? Probably only a few things, but she has done a lot more than nothing. She is a beekeeper, a tandem bicycle rider, a photographer and a community builder - currently Vastrahamnen, before Mitt Möllan. And a yoga teacher and now a Doc Lounge Malmö leader! If you ever meet her in real life, you'll see how much energy this one tiny human being have! She is a life explorer and unstopable.
Teres's input in Malmö community: in professional and in private life: busy happy, cheerful and bringing together people and ideas person!
7. Erik Jonsson + Musette. Cycling community.

I add Erik on the list as a Malmö influencer to cycling lifestyle. There are several cycling gangs' of Malmö photographers, but the longest time I follow is Erik. Eye catchy visuals from the road, and gives the inspiration to go out on a bike every time I see a new photo. I will mention here cafe musette too for the "cycling lifestyle" promoters. Musette is nor run by Erik, but these two Instagram "profiles" are all about cycling in Skåne.
Erik's input in Malmö community: he probably is really good at his real-life job as a designer, so, but personally I like that in some ways with his cycling photography he kind of might inspire others to start a new hobby: cycling! Catching the wind, catching the freedom!
8. Becca from Second chapter // Upcycle Collective Malmö// Make a scene

Becca is full of solar energy! She's more known for her jewellery and workshops together with #9 "Workshoppa", but behind all the scenes, Becca and her friends started to set a tone and grow upcycled art community! I found her by accident as well. I had an idea for such similar project, but maybe not in a large scale as she has done - made a space for others like her where to sell their art, so, she is like the manager of the upcycling artist community. Back on track, I found her by searching "it can't be that there are no such projects already!". I did research and the beautiful purple watercolour logo SECOND CHAPTER appeared! Becca and her friends were just about to start an event "make a scene" when I found "second chapter", and now in a short time period, they have grown larger and their event is very waited for! Make a scene - rooftop parties with music and art.
Becca's input in Malmö community: created upcycled art-creativity community! She has a shop with her friends where you can buy handmade and upcycled things, objects or art! Another sustainable geek but in a different perspective.
9. Workshoppa

When you are bored and don't know what to do, and want to get inspired to learn or try something new, check WORKSHOPPA's page for new upcoming workshops, OR you sign up as a teacher! Workshoppa is a platform for sharing skills through practical workshops. It's not only creative workshops but also business or physical workshops too! Ice bath, social media content or jewellery making and even edible forest food foraging workshops can be found happening via workshoppa.
I was happy to see this social activity happening, as I follow Latvian community on Instagram and was sometimes jealous to see how many day/evening/weekend workshops happen in Riga which I am missing out. Also as being a part of organizing "Give&Get workshop festival", workshops especially is my favourite kind of social activity. Workshoppa is relatively a new concept and project, so it has a big potential to grow into something amazing and I hope more people will find out about!
Also...This project is one lady's personal project learning to be more transparent on social media. She talkes about her journey on her workshoopa blog.
Also...This project is one lady's personal project learning to be more transparent on social media. She talkes about her journey on her workshoopa blog.
Veronika's input in Malmö/Lund community: gathering together people from different walks and backgrounds to learn something new!
10. Meadow Lab by Agata.+ Rude food.

I wanted to mention some garden Instagrammer, but those who I know either are bad friends with social media or are outside Malmö/far away, so, not related to "Malmö Instagrammers". My friend Malin is a really interesting garden lady and knows a lot about social community gardening and such projects, but have no Instagram. So, the other person I had noticed is Agata, who I have seen creating workshops via Workshoppa about edible forest food and fermented food. She writes about: forage, ferment, garden, herbal pharmacy and some DIY skills. She works as a chef at food waste project called "Rude food".
Agata's input in Malmö/Lund community: teaches the community some old school and forgotten food skills!
11. Sofia Aifos + Sajvva

"She didn't know it wasn't possible. So she did it." Is definitely about Sofia. When I met her, she was a person with many dreams - big and small, and then suddenly she finally knew what she wants to do - open a restaurant. And she did it in few months! Sofia is not just an amazing taste explorer and a boss ora manager, I get to know her as one of the most creative visual thinkers and capable to build and make anything for art! Now she runs one of the top vegan restaurants in Malmö.
12. Justin Style // Malmo cm - creative morning's malmö

Here I would more recommend following Justin's created talk project, a branch from "creative mornings" in Malmö. He is also one of the do-ers and starting "creative mornings Malmö", has brought together a wide range community of Malmö to very early morning talks once in a month on Fridays. Would you want to skip your adult chores to attend the talks? Well, yes if there is any free spot on the attendant list left, they are "sold out" really fast! CM has been for few years in Malmö, and under the roof of CM, through the years many new projects and people met each other. Each city needs events/projects as CM!
Justin's input in Malmö community: brings together all kind professional life walkers and path takers for a short morning talk with an interesting topic. Community builder!
There are few more persons and projects I like:
The creative plant lady Beatrice and don't forget to check her blog as well. Then another young lady who had a dream about her own cafe and made it happen: Dude Ellen and cafe Jord.
The self-proclaimed ambassador of eco in Skåne Jennie of ODDECO. And very talented calligraphy designer who lives above Malmö in the sky(in the highest building in Sweden) Jullia Lyko. And it's impossible to mention here ROWAN Drury, the creator of GRAM MALMÖ. Her Instagram is the shop's profile, and there she shares with the Zero Waste movement tips, ideas, projects, etc.
And last, but not least the urban farming in the city gang Happy Onion Farm, and finally someone started People of Malmö project alike to the famous NY stories. This list would not be completed without Lillavardag, two happy chilled ladies running around Malmö taking photos of themselves by different walls and talking about the weather, somehow they are the face of Malmö. A very cheerful, colourful and happy profile!
And I, me and myself! Elina Nomad! All I show on my Instagram is the nature, forest, sand, beach, water, garden, trees, grass, sunset, sunrise, cabin, dogs and sometimes a cat, and cycling, camping, hiking, exploring the local surrounding of Skåne! I am not so much "all about Malmö", I maybe don't even have any photo of Malmö on my IG, so, I do know I don't have locals following, because the most of time I am all around and about, but Malmö. If I am in Malmö - I go for a long bike ride into countryside or sauna day at the beach, or anything to avoid the streets, but if I can't - then I am a chiller on a sofa or a stroller in second-hand shops. If only Malmö had a forest close and had some hills like Stockholm or Gothenburg, right? But, eh, we have the beach!!!!!! :) I seek nature within Malmö.

And again - this is my personal observation, my list and my personal opinion, there are few more probably which I have not found, but these I know because of my own personal interest's which aligns with these people and reason I follow them. If you have MORE to recommend, please, add your comment that we can have one huge list of interesting characters of Malmö. <3
Thank you!
Their blogs, websites:
Kim Goes eco:
Jens Lennartsson:
Trawave Olivia:
Teres Arvidsson:
Erik Jonsson:
Becca Second Chapter:
Veronika Workshoppa:
Agata Meadow Lab:
Dude Ellen:
Jennie Eco:
Jullia Letters:
Rowan ZW:
Clara & Zandra Malmö:
Elina Nomad:
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