CYCLING ADVENTURE : Tour de Skåne - Stockholm - Skåne

Motivated by the Newbie guide to Sweden (where I am a guest blogger) blog manager Veronika, I finally wrote my tour biking story. Here is the shorter version of this whole trip: Bicycle adventure to Stockholm from Skåne.
It’s 2020 July now. Thirteen month ago I cycled to Stockholm from Skåne and back. Yes, not that big distance or accomplishment, knowing there are world bike travellers and from North to South adventurers, but for me this was about achieving a personal emotional challenge, to get back to who I was before “Malmö happened”. Clique, yes. For a girl who hitchhiked around Sweden for 1,5 year, I had become scared from the world and people, and didn’t feel safe to be alone far away from my home, boyfriend. At the beginning of the year, I made a wish that this year I want to shred off all those heavy layers and meet myself again.
Yet, I was thinking why am I so scared to be out there again. A lot of crazy experiences with people have happened in Malmö, those kind situations I thought are just for drama serials, but turns out broken, jealous, envious and happy to see others hurt, degraded and just simply bad people exist. News flash to me, right? I was naive thinking that everyone has a working moral compass inside them. My right and wrong sense and self-love was challenged.
Anyway. I needed this trip to have a meaning why I had to say goodbye to what I had wanted but I had created a sick thinking if I have it now, he will think and accuse me for doing it to keep him. I didn't want that because it was not true. That far a life with a boyfriend who has narcissist disorder had lead me to. A day before Valentines day. If I had to lose it, I thought I can't have another summer of waiting on him to finally pick up his own voice over what his parents expect him to do, and make life changes, do something finally what adults have to, make responsibilities, grow up, make up his mind. I was exhausted from the waiting game and empty promises. Life just felt uninspiring and the urge of wanting to find a purpose in life, to feel alive and freaking drop off the past pain. I was boiling up inside, and wanted to scream out loud to wake up from this nonsense of never being able to make committed plans. So the adventure called for refreshing my broken self. I decided to fulfill my dream - bikepacking trip longer than a weekend with many kilometers. In reality I understood I won't have a chance to do a long term trip, but 1 or 2 weeks - why not?
The beginning of an idea.
Eco travel. Sustainable travel. Travel locally. We hear these words more often now. With all the changes in the world - climate and society, people have become more aware of how they travel. This year we are kind of forced to explore locally. First the train travelling became a hype and so the tickets went up.There was no way I am going to spend that much money for a train ticket. I rather invest in an experience and adventure. Who’s with me? First the trains, now the bicycles. Yes, turns out that the new hype of sustainable travelling is bike-touring! That’s not surprising. After all, we live in Sweden where we can roam freely. The love of an adventure and getting a good gym exercise outdoors sounds fantastic, eller hur?
But why? Couldn’t you take a train? Are you mad, lady?
These kinds of comments I heard from… mostly men, while women congratulated me and my friends, well, they were like "of course, you cycled, that's so you". To answer questions - Why not? No, I couldn’t. No, I am and don’t call me lady.
Last year I had a voluntary job in Stockholm in Lettiska förening and the team held once a month meetings. When summer approached, I had nothing to do - still had no sign of having a job or summer job, and my freelancer's life was just beginning. Basically, still a loser who is not good enough for any service job in Sweden. Tired of endless cv sending, I had to do something off the table. It had been one of my travel-must-do-in-life wishes for some years. Having an unknown road tour, than just a weekend trip. The meeting came as a perfect excuse to cycle to Stockholm and back.
The road into unknown
The Sunday of June 2nd arrives. All packed and that weak moment of “maybe let’s not...” or as Swedish say "resfeber" kicked in my legs. For a moment I felt afraid of something going wrong and being helpless in the middle of nowhere and wishing I wasn’t going solo, but we went together on an adventure. Yet, totally excited I am finally back on the roads.Before I jumped on the train towards Växjö, my back then still not cheating boyfriend cycled along to the station with me. We had an excellent ice cream at the local Italian restaurant. Since he had told everyone in his family, and I had whispered to my friends "i might do this", I felt I had no way back anymore and had to tell my legs and fear of the unknown to shut up. With a delicious mango sorbet in my belly, I was ready to go.
Whispered, because it's like with instagram photos- if it's not on instagram, so, it didn't happen kind of. The same with talking about plans. A little tiny voice in me didn't believe in myself that I would go so I kept my *possible* plan away from discussions.
Yes, I took a train. I skipped the Skåne part because, well, I live here and I cycle these roads. Starting from unknown roads were more challenging and exciting. Also, of course, to skip a day of extra 100km. I don’t know about the rest of Sweden, but in Skåne we can take bikes on trains for free. Öresundståget and Skånetrafiken pågatåg.
Malmö - Stockholm
There is no actual route to Stockholm. My route was sometimes a part of Sverigeleden (safer as it was marked with a bike sign), but most of the time I planned the route myself.
You can find online the Naturskyddförening article, but this route seemed not appealing to me because of being close to the E4. Sverigeleden parts were often more difficult as the most interesting cultural objects, villages and beautiful sceneries were along the hills. There are many routes I could have taken, but I calculated how soon I want to be in Stockholm that I should do approx. 100km per day. It took me 5 and half days.

The ideal route would be along the coastline - Karlskrona, Kalmar, Västervik, and then catch up with my original route Skenäs ferry, Nyköping , Mörkö, Stockholm, but I was not sure if there is a bike path by E22 road. Instead, I went through the forests and fields in Småland, and learnt why Skåne is flat (when you are a local cyclist, you always say it’s not that flat).
Each day I experienced a full bouquet of moments as it happens with tour cyclists on their long trips across the world. I had all possible weathers the biggest storm which unplugged Småland, the heat draining me close to sunstroke, warm summer rain and fog.
Even different types of campsites - field, forest, lake. And diverse types of roads - gravel through forests, closed farm roads and asphalt through the fields. Also moments such as “bike vs cars”, “where am I?”, “where to get water?” and so on. Also rollercoaster of emotions - “I can’t do this anymore, I give up’’ mixed with “Wow, you are stronger and braver than you thought!”
Well, if you are still reading, some of these moments I am sharing more as the first part of the trip I tried to keep a journal and have notes.
It’s 2020 July now. Thirteen month ago I cycled to Stockholm from Skåne and back. Yes, not that big distance or accomplishment, knowing there are world bike travellers and from North to South adventurers, but for me this was about achieving a personal emotional challenge, to get back to who I was before “Malmö happened”. Clique, yes. For a girl who hitchhiked around Sweden for 1,5 year, I had become scared from the world and people, and didn’t feel safe to be alone far away from my home, boyfriend. At the beginning of the year, I made a wish that this year I want to shred off all those heavy layers and meet myself again.
Yet, I was thinking why am I so scared to be out there again. A lot of crazy experiences with people have happened in Malmö, those kind situations I thought are just for drama serials, but turns out broken, jealous, envious and happy to see others hurt, degraded and just simply bad people exist. News flash to me, right? I was naive thinking that everyone has a working moral compass inside them. My right and wrong sense and self-love was challenged.
Anyway. I needed this trip to have a meaning why I had to say goodbye to what I had wanted but I had created a sick thinking if I have it now, he will think and accuse me for doing it to keep him. I didn't want that because it was not true. That far a life with a boyfriend who has narcissist disorder had lead me to. A day before Valentines day. If I had to lose it, I thought I can't have another summer of waiting on him to finally pick up his own voice over what his parents expect him to do, and make life changes, do something finally what adults have to, make responsibilities, grow up, make up his mind. I was exhausted from the waiting game and empty promises. Life just felt uninspiring and the urge of wanting to find a purpose in life, to feel alive and freaking drop off the past pain. I was boiling up inside, and wanted to scream out loud to wake up from this nonsense of never being able to make committed plans. So the adventure called for refreshing my broken self. I decided to fulfill my dream - bikepacking trip longer than a weekend with many kilometers. In reality I understood I won't have a chance to do a long term trip, but 1 or 2 weeks - why not?
The beginning of an idea.
Eco travel. Sustainable travel. Travel locally. We hear these words more often now. With all the changes in the world - climate and society, people have become more aware of how they travel. This year we are kind of forced to explore locally. First the train travelling became a hype and so the tickets went up.There was no way I am going to spend that much money for a train ticket. I rather invest in an experience and adventure. Who’s with me? First the trains, now the bicycles. Yes, turns out that the new hype of sustainable travelling is bike-touring! That’s not surprising. After all, we live in Sweden where we can roam freely. The love of an adventure and getting a good gym exercise outdoors sounds fantastic, eller hur?
But why? Couldn’t you take a train? Are you mad, lady?
These kinds of comments I heard from… mostly men, while women congratulated me and my friends, well, they were like "of course, you cycled, that's so you". To answer questions - Why not? No, I couldn’t. No, I am and don’t call me lady.
Last year I had a voluntary job in Stockholm in Lettiska förening and the team held once a month meetings. When summer approached, I had nothing to do - still had no sign of having a job or summer job, and my freelancer's life was just beginning. Basically, still a loser who is not good enough for any service job in Sweden. Tired of endless cv sending, I had to do something off the table. It had been one of my travel-must-do-in-life wishes for some years. Having an unknown road tour, than just a weekend trip. The meeting came as a perfect excuse to cycle to Stockholm and back.
Last year I had a voluntary job in Stockholm in Lettiska förening and the team held once a month meetings. When summer approached, I had nothing to do - still had no sign of having a job or summer job, and my freelancer's life was just beginning. Basically, still a loser who is not good enough for any service job in Sweden. Tired of endless cv sending, I had to do something off the table. It had been one of my travel-must-do-in-life wishes for some years. Having an unknown road tour, than just a weekend trip. The meeting came as a perfect excuse to cycle to Stockholm and back.
The Sunday of June 2nd arrives. All packed and that weak moment of “maybe let’s not...” or as Swedish say "resfeber" kicked in my legs. For a moment I felt afraid of something going wrong and being helpless in the middle of nowhere and wishing I wasn’t going solo, but we went together on an adventure. Yet, totally excited I am finally back on the roads.Before I jumped on the train towards Växjö, my back then still not cheating boyfriend cycled along to the station with me. We had an excellent ice cream at the local Italian restaurant. Since he had told everyone in his family, and I had whispered to my friends "i might do this", I felt I had no way back anymore and had to tell my legs and fear of the unknown to shut up. With a delicious mango sorbet in my belly, I was ready to go.
Whispered, because it's like with instagram photos- if it's not on instagram, so, it didn't happen kind of. The same with talking about plans. A little tiny voice in me didn't believe in myself that I would go so I kept my *possible* plan away from discussions.
Yes, I took a train. I skipped the Skåne part because, well, I live here and I cycle these roads. Starting from unknown roads were more challenging and exciting. Also, of course, to skip a day of extra 100km. I don’t know about the rest of Sweden, but in Skåne we can take bikes on trains for free. Öresundståget and Skånetrafiken pågatåg.

Malmö - Stockholm
There is no actual route to Stockholm. My route was sometimes a part of Sverigeleden (safer as it was marked with a bike sign), but most of the time I planned the route myself.
You can find online the Naturskyddförening article, but this route seemed not appealing to me because of being close to the E4. Sverigeleden parts were often more difficult as the most interesting cultural objects, villages and beautiful sceneries were along the hills. There are many routes I could have taken, but I calculated how soon I want to be in Stockholm that I should do approx. 100km per day. It took me 5 and half days.

The ideal route would be along the coastline - Karlskrona, Kalmar, Västervik, and then catch up with my original route Skenäs ferry, Nyköping , Mörkö, Stockholm, but I was not sure if there is a bike path by E22 road. Instead, I went through the forests and fields in Småland, and learnt why Skåne is flat (when you are a local cyclist, you always say it’s not that flat).
Each day I experienced a full bouquet of moments as it happens with tour cyclists on their long trips across the world. I had all possible weathers the biggest storm which unplugged Småland, the heat draining me close to sunstroke, warm summer rain and fog.
Even different types of campsites - field, forest, lake. And diverse types of roads - gravel through forests, closed farm roads and asphalt through the fields. Also moments such as “bike vs cars”, “where am I?”, “where to get water?” and so on. Also rollercoaster of emotions - “I can’t do this anymore, I give up’’ mixed with “Wow, you are stronger and braver than you thought!”
Each day I experienced a full bouquet of moments as it happens with tour cyclists on their long trips across the world. I had all possible weathers the biggest storm which unplugged Småland, the heat draining me close to sunstroke, warm summer rain and fog.
Even different types of campsites - field, forest, lake. And diverse types of roads - gravel through forests, closed farm roads and asphalt through the fields. Also moments such as “bike vs cars”, “where am I?”, “where to get water?” and so on. Also rollercoaster of emotions - “I can’t do this anymore, I give up’’ mixed with “Wow, you are stronger and braver than you thought!”
Well, if you are still reading, some of these moments I am sharing more as the first part of the trip I tried to keep a journal and have notes.

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In the middle of nowhere Växjö-Linköping
The traditional looks - yellow, green fields, forest, red wooden houses, lakes, blue sky. The scenery made me feel like I just went through a time machine or I am watching a history channel about Sweden at the end of the 19th century. Many long kilometers with just forest and strange sounds (yes, a few times I got scared and pedaled faster), just fields and fields, and countless uphills with downhills which mentally were killing me.
I had to make a song in my head to achieve another uphill. After the crazy storm the sun came and that day’s trip ended with a beautiful campsite by a lake near Vimmerby.
I had to make a song in my head to achieve another uphill. After the crazy storm the sun came and that day’s trip ended with a beautiful campsite by a lake near Vimmerby.
When I approached Linköping, I felt like a caveman arriving in a city. Vimmerby - Linköping route was beautiful, but no towns or people almost for all 100km. So far 266km done after my third day. In Linköping I had my first host on warmshower (it’s the same as couchsurfing, but for cyclists). His family welcomed me with a dinner, soft bed and possibility to charge up all my technical gear and father’s cycling stories.
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MORE OR LESS THE ROUTE I DID. ON KAMOOT IT SAYS: Expert bike ride. Very good fitness required.Mostly paved surfaces. Suitable for all skill levels. NOT SURE, IT DIDNT FEEL THAT DIFFICULT. |
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The last saddle moments Linköping-Mörkö-Stockholm
After Linköping, the worst part began. Open fields, bright and strong sun that every time I saw a church I had to make a stop and pour over cold underground water on my head to prevent heatstroke. It had never before happened to me until the summer of 2018, so now, I knew how to stay safe. Every church I saw from far sight, literally made the sound of bells in heaven.
That day was harsh, it took a lot of my energy on motivating myself. In fact for part of the trip, one eye kind of refused to “work”, I could feel the symptoms of sun stroke appearing. I looked like a cycling pirate, covering half of my face. Trying to focus both eyes was draining my energy. Somehow I got through this day. I arrived in Skenäs ferry station rolling on a long downhill catching with cold sea air, and camped in the forest of Kvarsebo. Next day I cycled short route until Nyköping. To celebrate the 6th of June with my friend’s who came to pick me up and drove to Gnesta. We had not met for 6 years, I had to have this detour. Funny, my perfectionist's side felt guilt for a few skipped km!
That day was harsh, it took a lot of my energy on motivating myself. In fact for part of the trip, one eye kind of refused to “work”, I could feel the symptoms of sun stroke appearing. I looked like a cycling pirate, covering half of my face. Trying to focus both eyes was draining my energy. Somehow I got through this day. I arrived in Skenäs ferry station rolling on a long downhill catching with cold sea air, and camped in the forest of Kvarsebo. Next day I cycled short route until Nyköping. To celebrate the 6th of June with my friend’s who came to pick me up and drove to Gnesta. We had not met for 6 years, I had to have this detour. Funny, my perfectionist's side felt guilt for a few skipped km!
Arriving in Stockholm on the corner of Hornstull station, I cried! Cycling through the big city just seemed so unbelievable. Somehow I really couldn’t believe I did this. Those were about 10 seconds of grasping air realising that I reached the destination. In 5,5 days I had done 476,9km. After unpacking at my destination, I slept more than 24h. In Stockholm I met with two long tour cyclists “The Mighty ride” guys, who were so helpful on facebook about cycling Sweden. They did the route from North to South later that summer.

Rolling back to Skåne
The trip back to Skåne began on 12th june 5am.The next adventure awaited me - house sitting in the countryside. For that reason, I had an exact date to be back. My plan was to cycle at least 100km or more per day. Yes, I felt that strong suddenly. I left Stockholm at 5 am. Until I reached Nyköping, I was in a weather rollercoaster - rain, sun, rain, sun. The first day I did 133km and I felt I’m going to pass out or my legs are going to shut down, yet I kept calling them "you are monsters! Thank you for taking me this far." That night I fell asleep as soon as I built my campsite.
The next morning I cycled just 10km and my body felt it needs more rest. Somewhere along the ride I had damaged my leg and having a pressure on it was just a nightmare. After these 10km I found a wonderful birch tree oasis by the road. It was a perfect rest zone and I wished I could just stay here, but I made a big breakfast and coffee, looked up my route and planned the next steps. My plan was to maybe find a regional train to skip 100km from Linköping down to the South. Internet information was false as the train staff didn’t allow me to board. Let’s say I was not accepting these news lightly, I was shocked as in my homeland we can have at least 20 bicycles on a train, while in Sweden it’s really difficult.
Livsnjutare (n) - Someone who loves life deeply and lives it to extreme
Livsnjutare (n) - Someone who loves life deeply and lives it to extreme
Before I even arrived in Linköping, along the road something epic happened. The part after Strömsfors… Breathtaking. Towards me cycled another bikepacker. I saw this man crying and smiling. He looked so high on life, I thought, he must be truly and madly a 'livsnjutare'. He stopped.
With long inhales told me that I am going to see something amazing in 2km. I won’t tell you, please, go and cycle this route and write to me that you SAW IT! That moment when breath caught up and suddenly all the troubles and worries in life seemed meaningless. Look around the world, live your life, you are here to experience it and so on hippie gibberish on “I love life” vibe.
With long inhales told me that I am going to see something amazing in 2km. I won’t tell you, please, go and cycle this route and write to me that you SAW IT! That moment when breath caught up and suddenly all the troubles and worries in life seemed meaningless. Look around the world, live your life, you are here to experience it and so on hippie gibberish on “I love life” vibe.
That view was... I don’t know how to explain. It literally gave me shivers all the way downhill. I cried all the way down how beautiful it was. Suddenly all the feels of the world raised - me doing this trip after all the heartaches I had had. That I stepped out from feeling scared, it just felt so unreal. It's an indescribable sudden awareness moment of the world that triggered emotional response too deep and mysterious for words. At that moment I understood his emotional expression.
The rest of the trip I rushed through the same route I was before, Linköping-Vimmerby. After Vimmerby I took a different route. The route seemed in the number of km as shorter, but it turned out to be with several steep hills, so, in time it was not a shortcut. The views - worth it.
Even got to pass Lönneberga (I didn’t meet Emil) the famous TV show house. All of these uphills and pain in leg, stomach, head or eyes, it all was worth it.
How else to feel alive as if not challenging yourself? It was unforgettable and I really needed this adventure to prove myself my strength more than it was about getting likes on instagram.
How to end this story?
Should you do it?
Go for a bike adventure. If you live in Stockholm, the trip to Linköping or Nörrköping is worth it. Gothenburg, you got the path down to Skåne. Honestly, you don't need advanced gear, you can find cheaper or rental gear.
Also, camping gear now is in any budget-friendly price. There are outdoor friluftsliver groups on Facebook, I am sure someone could lend you or rent out the gear if you plan one time trip. The most important thing is to have enough dry extra cloth if you get soaked and it's not a warm summer day. I had very limited packing with vegetarian/vegan food and zero waste nature-friendly shampoo, toothpaste and only cloth for cycling, sleeping, city. No extras.
Also, camping gear now is in any budget-friendly price. There are outdoor friluftsliver groups on Facebook, I am sure someone could lend you or rent out the gear if you plan one time trip. The most important thing is to have enough dry extra cloth if you get soaked and it's not a warm summer day. I had very limited packing with vegetarian/vegan food and zero waste nature-friendly shampoo, toothpaste and only cloth for cycling, sleeping, city. No extras.
We are lucky to live in a country where we have freedom to roam and camp anywhere (except with tiny exceptions), cycle and hike, and be outdoors that easy. Only mosquitoes and ticks can ruin your outdoor fun. Always be prepared. Take and challenge your vacation to a new level - explore Sweden by bike. Make your vacation into experience!

How to plan? What to pack? Preparations
There is so much information on adventure cycling - blogs, vlogs and Instagrams, although I didn’t have the patience to research all of them. I watched some nice videos which mainly just focused on the artistic sense of the trip. Read a little bit on packing, and connected on a Facebook group with bikepackers in Sweden. The only research I really mattered to find was: how those cool vloggers kept all their technical gear on battery? How they packed all of that? However, I still don’t know the answer.
To clarfiy, I didn't just jump on a bike and cycled. I have been living a friluftsliv life in Skåne. Also, I started road cycling in 2016 and the weekend escape bike touring in 2018 summer around Skåne. Therefore in my experience bag I packed what I knew so far. Things I didn’t know - I learnt along on the adventure. As I was not following a designed route, instead my own - I did try gather information about optional routes. At least to know if that road is safe to bike. Yet, it’s not a bad idea to go through some information or meet someone who has done an adventure cycling.
To clarfiy, I didn't just jump on a bike and cycled. I have been living a friluftsliv life in Skåne. Also, I started road cycling in 2016 and the weekend escape bike touring in 2018 summer around Skåne. Therefore in my experience bag I packed what I knew so far. Things I didn’t know - I learnt along on the adventure. As I was not following a designed route, instead my own - I did try gather information about optional routes. At least to know if that road is safe to bike. Yet, it’s not a bad idea to go through some information or meet someone who has done an adventure cycling.
The numbers
Växjö- Stockholm 5,5 days
Stockholm- Växjö 4,5 days
Average 70-100km per day
Shortest ride: 6th June 30km Day 5 To STHLM
Longest ride: 12th June 134km Day 1 From STHLM
Together: 1,013km
DAY 1 - 66,3KM
DAY 2 - 106KM
DAY 3 - 94KM
DAY 4 - 85KM
DAY 5 - 30,1KM
DAY 6 - 95,5KM
The hottest day - DAY6 33C degrees
The longest ride - DAY2 106km
The fastest downhill - DAY1 54km/h
The shortest ride - DAY5 30,1km
DAY 1 - 134KM
DAY 2 - 86,5KM
DAY 3 - 103KM
DAY 4 - 101,8KM
DAY 5 - 78,8KM
TOGETHER: 1,013km 67h 42 min
DAY 1 - 66,3KM
DAY 2 - 106KM
DAY 3 - 94KM
DAY 4 - 85KM
DAY 5 - 30,1KM
DAY 6 - 95,5KM
The hottest day - DAY6 33C degrees
The longest ride - DAY2 106km
The fastest downhill - DAY1 54km/h
The shortest ride - DAY5 30,1km
DAY 1 - 134KM
DAY 2 - 86,5KM
DAY 3 - 103KM
DAY 4 - 101,8KM
DAY 5 - 78,8KM
TOGETHER: 1,013km 67h 42 min
Water - free at every church
Charging - solar panel and sometimes I planned to be longer near ICA or COOP
Food - very minimalist vegan and vegetarian
The beautiful routes
Vimmerby-Djursdala by - in this area is Astrid Lindgren bike route
Västra husby - Kvarsebo
Gnesta - Mörkö via Vagnhärad
Apps, links.


Day 1 June 2nd
Växjö train station was where I began and after 65km I stopped at Sjögård. No sign of lake, a local I met in the forest said there is no access to the lake as private houses. So then I saw this meadow and forest. Hiding between pine-trees. It’s not an exciting campsite, but I thought if it’s going to rain, this is a perfect protected spot. The cycling today was slow, because my bicycle is heavy with all the gear since now I am cycling alone not together with my boyfriend, since we share our gear and he takes heavier stuff as he has stronger legs than me. Yup, I can feel the heaviness in my legs when I cycle. It will be… interesting to see how this trip goes. Oh, one fun thing - the 47th km , oh my gosh, that was an amazing downhill!
After Växjö I felt I am stuck, because the road google maps recommended me, seemed as a highway or something and I wasn’t sure if I felt safe cycling there. Then the sight I needed, I saw a local cycling along the road, so then I joined in. Oh, and somewhere after Växjö there was an amazing cycle path through forest, an old railway , I have to check it up on the map when I get back home. Also, I have to look up the village Stöjby I think it was called. I cycled through it and it seemed so idealistic , the atmosphere of the perfect swedish dream.The views of lakes are nice. Noticed that it’s fewer cars here, so cycling on the 90km/h road was okay. Now I am in a tent, need to start sleeping.
Haven't decided if I am measuring my cycling in hours or km per day?
I heard that funny bird from Brösarp camping trip here too
Oh, I forgot to mention, I accidentally brought with me 2h of bubble water, so I had dinner boiled in mineral water. Bubbles!
Day 1 June 2nd
Växjö train station was where I began and after 65km I stopped at Sjögård. No sign of lake, a local I met in the forest said there is no access to the lake as private houses. So then I saw this meadow and forest. Hiding between pine-trees. It’s not an exciting campsite, but I thought if it’s going to rain, this is a perfect protected spot. The cycling today was slow, because my bicycle is heavy with all the gear since now I am cycling alone not together with my boyfriend, since we share our gear and he takes heavier stuff as he has stronger legs than me. Yup, I can feel the heaviness in my legs when I cycle. It will be… interesting to see how this trip goes. Oh, one fun thing - the 47th km , oh my gosh, that was an amazing downhill!
After Växjö I felt I am stuck, because the road google maps recommended me, seemed as a highway or something and I wasn’t sure if I felt safe cycling there. Then the sight I needed, I saw a local cycling along the road, so then I joined in. Oh, and somewhere after Växjö there was an amazing cycle path through forest, an old railway , I have to check it up on the map when I get back home. Also, I have to look up the village Stöjby I think it was called. I cycled through it and it seemed so idealistic , the atmosphere of the perfect swedish dream.The views of lakes are nice. Noticed that it’s fewer cars here, so cycling on the 90km/h road was okay. Now I am in a tent, need to start sleeping.
Haven't decided if I am measuring my cycling in hours or km per day?
I heard that funny bird from Brösarp camping trip here too
Oh, I forgot to mention, I accidentally brought with me 2h of bubble water, so I had dinner boiled in mineral water. Bubbles!

Day2 June 3rd
In the morning I opened my eyes exactly the same time with a loud and nearby THUNDER!!! Oh noooo, was my first thought. If only could have seen my face in that moment - wide open eyes in one second. Thunder scares me, I have this fear of thunder since I am a kid. It’s okay if I am camping together with someone, but now I am alone and have to keep myself calm. For a moment I panicked and texted to V, but I thought I can’t do anything about it, so instead I made coffee and packed my bags, checked my route. I started around 6am, originally my plan was to do only 77km until Storebro, but instead I continued and it’s 106km today. This day was crazy. Everything was just… I felt like in one day I experienced what normally a tour biker does in several days. The beautiful cosy village area, passing by a school bus with kids getting on it, a quiet foggy morning downhill ride, crazy strong sun and heat along 90km/h road again, but the cars were not horrible to me. Road was not wide, but not too narrow. If I did see a truck coming behind me, I stopped and stood aside on the road until it passed me. Now I am at a very beautiful campsite. It's by a lake, I could see from the road this little birch oasis, here is a big rock, really big rock and from the road I thought it’s another camper. My eyesight, yeah. I am 6km after Vimmerby, a town where they have Astrid Lindgren theme park. I reached that town with lots of fear and completely soaked after the biggest, scariest storm I had seen in the last years or the storm in which I actually was outside without a shelter. Of course, I told myself I must keep moving, and it’s just my imagination, it’s not that bad. The wind, rain, thunder, everything, it was scary and suddenly at 3pm so dark! My fingers looked so wrinkled after that rain as when you come out from a long bath.
During the day I had so many thoughts I wish I could have written down, new insights and ideas, but the day was too long filled with so many different emotions that I can’t remember it all. Goodnight.
Day2 June 3rd
In the morning I opened my eyes exactly the same time with a loud and nearby THUNDER!!! Oh noooo, was my first thought. If only could have seen my face in that moment - wide open eyes in one second. Thunder scares me, I have this fear of thunder since I am a kid. It’s okay if I am camping together with someone, but now I am alone and have to keep myself calm. For a moment I panicked and texted to V, but I thought I can’t do anything about it, so instead I made coffee and packed my bags, checked my route. I started around 6am, originally my plan was to do only 77km until Storebro, but instead I continued and it’s 106km today. This day was crazy. Everything was just… I felt like in one day I experienced what normally a tour biker does in several days. The beautiful cosy village area, passing by a school bus with kids getting on it, a quiet foggy morning downhill ride, crazy strong sun and heat along 90km/h road again, but the cars were not horrible to me. Road was not wide, but not too narrow. If I did see a truck coming behind me, I stopped and stood aside on the road until it passed me. Now I am at a very beautiful campsite. It's by a lake, I could see from the road this little birch oasis, here is a big rock, really big rock and from the road I thought it’s another camper. My eyesight, yeah. I am 6km after Vimmerby, a town where they have Astrid Lindgren theme park. I reached that town with lots of fear and completely soaked after the biggest, scariest storm I had seen in the last years or the storm in which I actually was outside without a shelter. Of course, I told myself I must keep moving, and it’s just my imagination, it’s not that bad. The wind, rain, thunder, everything, it was scary and suddenly at 3pm so dark! My fingers looked so wrinkled after that rain as when you come out from a long bath.
During the day I had so many thoughts I wish I could have written down, new insights and ideas, but the day was too long filled with so many different emotions that I can’t remember it all. Goodnight.

Day 3 June 4th
The morning at the campsite by the lake was slow. I wanted to sleep longer, not just body tiredness but mentally too. Good thing was that I didn't need to rush, so I could slowly pack, clean up and I left around 830am. Actually, I woke up around 4am and was thinking maybe to have a morning swim, but me and lakes, yeah. Instead I tried the new shower bag V gave to me. Washed my hair with my zero waste shampoo bar and went back to “bed”. It started to rain a little bit, not much, but I was back to sleep. Woke up again around 7am, now it felt colder morning, and I made my coffee from sitting in a tent. Really felt tiredness in my body. When I started cycling, my route shared the road with Astrid Lindgren cycle path - interesting! Should google about it when I am back at home. This route was beautiful but for a morning a bit too much of exercising. Up and down, up and down smaller hills one by one, but the scenery with small wooden red houses and the green so green grass and forest surrounded them, really could see this painted by many artists or written many books about the perfect swedish country life.
On the way, I met another adventure cyclist. A guy who had been on the road 65 days from Nordkapp. Wow!!!! He was originally from Switzerland.
Today I was moving slow at the beginning. Lonely roads without villages or towns, just forest. When I reached Horn, I thought I would find water and will be able to charge my phone at the local shop like I did on day 2, but no. The staff didn’t allow it. But My solar battery had started to work finally, so, had no worries about the phone battery. Now I have been following the Sverigeleden so it was easy to follow the road and didn’t need to check the map often. The road after Horn was very, very beautiful. It seemed like an old perhaps main road? And that road by the lake, wow, that was a beautiful downhill, a road between two lakes. Åsunden. So very beautiful scenery! Made in my mind a note that I should come back here when I go on a road trip. Camping by this lake. I haven’t been photographing much, just keep pedaling, but I keep thinking how V would love this spot and road. By that lake I took a lunch break.
Today’s route was not too difficult or hard, neither too easy, but average, a bit of everything, it still required a lot of energy. There were parts on Sverigeleden without the sign of it, that I missed some turns. There was a moment when I noticed my shoes had fallen off my bags, but not too far, just a few meters behind me. Small cute villages, a strange forest path and then water from the church, oh, yes. At the end of this day I reached Linköping. There I had my first warmshower host. Finally I got to try it. The family was nice, a bit shy at first, but they were interesting people. A bit of adventurers when younger. I didn’t sleep much, because I had access to wifi so I kept staring on my possible routes for the next day. This host agreed to host me just 2h before I was close to Linköping. Really thankful for it, I messaged too late, but he accepted. Now instagram and sleep. I think or I hope I found a route for tomorrow.

Day 4 June 5th
In the morning I took a cold, cold shower, packed my bags and had all my technology gear charged up. I said goodbyes and off I was.
This day, well, was difficult. Kind of want to say no comments. But okay, I will try to write. So, in the morning I followed the google map route, it showed that it’s a gravel road, but my host advised me to maybe not take that road, but while I was cycling, I forgot he said it. When I remembered it, I was already too far in this route that there was no way back to search a new route. Well, kind of interesting I had to cycle through a farm and a farm field with a fence around. Later I found the old E4. It was a wide and calm road, so it was easy to cycle. On this road I decided I will cycle to the ferry not straight to Nörrköping. Because of that uphill after Nörrköping… I thought there was no way I would do it. It was a better decision, but the new route was a long, lonely road without any villages which also meant no churches with cold water and I started to feel how after today’s sun and yesterday, my body is showing the symptoms of sun stroke, it was almost kicking me, but I managed to cool it down with my last drinking water. 35km without any access to water. The water I had helped enough to continue, but I could feel how that weird pain was starting to become stronger and my eyes were hurting, kind of couldn’t keep focused on them together, one eye kept “falling asleep”. Can’t explain it really, like both were going to opposite sides not working together, BUT I chose to have this pain, I wanted this adventure! I told myself. I didn’t panic, just continued slowly moving forward until finally I saw a church from a distance and I knew if it’s going to be off my route, I would still go there. It was sooooo goood to get the cold water on my head at the church. After this church, google maps recommended a small bicycle path along a very brown river, so I was not on a road, but hidden in the shadows of forest for a bit. Further I was back on the car road and no shadow, just open fields and lots of hot sun. Before the turn towards the ferry, one more church and when i continued towards the ferry, like 2 or 3km before reaching it, I suddenly could feel the cold fresh sea air, no more heat! Luckily it was also a small downhill, so a perfect wind to cool down my body temperature. Later I arrived at the other side by ferry, I went to that small cafe, got my first “normal food” and coffee, and talked a bit with the old couple, the owners of the cafe. They were surprised to hear I speak Swedish, well, broken Swedish, but good enough to communicate. Happily enjoying the nice scenery with the sea enjoying my evening coffee, I sat there 1,5h before I headed to search for a campsite. Sadly, I couldn’t camp there by a cafe. Rules. Now at my campsite I can feel how good the cool wind and cold water helped to calm down the possibility of sun stroke. It was another adventure to even find this campsite. Really dreamt of having a nice sea view from the cliffs, but nothing. So instead I went on towards the route I need to take tomorrow and found a spot near the road in the forest. Now I have promised myself to sleep as long as I need/want. All batteries are full, my head is not hurting anymore, so I can go to sleep! This spot is quiet, very calm.

Day 5 June 6th
I fell asleep really good last night. Started my journey at 930 towards Nyköping, only 30km have been ridden today. At Nyköping Max burger I met up with Theresa and Peanut and the other kids, the gang. While waiting for Theresa to come pick me up, I had my first bad food on this trip, well, vegan burger. Finally no lentils or couscous with zucchini and tomato sauce and such. Meeting them was nice, it has been a long since we met last time. 2014? I could feel that the time apart has made me feel estranged, but they are still important and deep in my heart people from my nomad days around Sweden.
My campsite for today is Theresa’s and Wilbert’s garden. They live in such a nice place by the forest. Oh, I almost forgot, I met a cycling girl!!! Before I reached Nyköping. She was going to Vimmerby to meet friends. She told me that the storm I experienced was on TV as the worst storm which unplugged many houses in Småland. Oh, well, it seems I survived the Swedish hurricane.

Day 6 June 7th
Yesssssss!!! I arrived in Stockholm TODAY! Left Mölnbo (Gnesta) around 6am. Since I felt a bit guilty that I skipped a few km, I planned to take an extra km or a detour to Mörkö. I arrived at Hornstull- Stockholm at 16:06!!! Wow! This was a great day. I felt rested after Gnesta yesterday. When I saw the sign “Stockholm län” it was 13:11. Yes, I wrote down in my mind the exact times.
The difficult part was cycling through the suburb areas. Some routes I couldn’t cycle because of road renovations so had to turn back and find a new route. That’s why it took a bit extra time to reach the center of Stockholm since so many roads were barricaded, closed because of big renovations.
Reached Daina’s home to pick up the keys of Olivia’s home, then I was by Latvian embassy 17:58 and across the road I was at Olivia’s home. Warm bath, changed into nicer cloth than my cycling pants, and walked to TGI Friday’s to hear my friend Pontus play music there.
I felt a bit spaced out, but in a good way.

Got my keeeyyyys

Finally from cycling cloth to something more comfortable.

POMMAC DUO !!! My friend Pontus.
In the big city I ended up not doing much. Most of time I was exhausted and sleeping lots, only twice I met with few friends that Friday when I arrived and later with my latvian friend we went to Fotografiska. And had fika lunch with a friend who I met as a hitchhiker in Lund, she was telling me her big news that she is off to China in autumn! Also, I had a short meeting with two cyclists "The mighty ride", two guys who were aboutt o start their big trip accross Sweden. Then a day before I left, in the evening I had meeting with the Lettiska forening team. I stayed too long talking to one of the colleagues, that waking up next day at 4am felt the hardest part of the trip. Before departure day, a friend who works at Latvian Embassy in Stockholm, fixed some small details on my bicycle in front of the embassy. Yes, I also had fika in my country's embassy, so for a shortwile I was "in Latvia". Strong coffee did the magic, with very good management skills I had packed smart all my stuff and off I could go. When I left, the city was quiet, calm but the morning light was so beautiful! I pedaled, didn't take photos as I thought I must just leave the city area as fast as I can. It was exactly 50km until Mörkö from Latvia's embassy, I thought it was a fun fact to remember. Also, just when I was already too far and the keys of apartament left in the postbox, I realized I forgot my phone's charger. What an idiot! Anyway, I share my notes from the journal I kept further.
On my way back I didn't write that much notes as on the way to Stockholm. It was because I was cycling longer distances and hours now and in the evenings I just felt so tired. The last energy I put for setting up a tent. Sometimes I had to push my bike with bags through some forests without paths as I prefered to be more hidden and off the road sight. Cooking dinner had become like a calm ritual, even if I didn't feel hungry, I just did it for the sake of having this ritual. At that moment I didn't need to think, just sit, listen to nature sound and rest. So, that's why not so much long or detailed notes. Although, when I arrived back in Skåne, I did write down few moments I still remembered.
Day 1 June 13th
What a nice early start! At 5:11 the city still asleep. I kind of imagined that in the capital it's different, but, right, I am in Sweden, not London or NYC. I got out from Stockholm relatively easier than when I tried to find the way in. 50km done in 3h and it the length is from Latvias Embassy until the ferry station towards Mörkö. As I started earlier and so many km already done, I decided to just continue as far as I can today. I had the energy too. After all so many days I rested in Stockholm. At 3pm I arrived outside Nyköping, there I took a short break. I felt exhausted. Also I think if I am not wrong, it was my 100th km. At this spot in the forest I made late lunch. For a moment I thought maybe I could stay here? It's already 100km done. However, it was just a late afternoon and I knew I can give energy for at least 3-4 more hours.
When I cycled through town, I got a bit lost. It was during the rush hour (well, small here, but still) and I didn't understand their strange road system. Surprisingly the local drivers were so, so, soooo nice to me when I cycled on the road (not many cycling paths there). As soon as I reached again the MAX burger restaurant, I was fine. I knew where am I and didn't need to worry about map. Only, when cycling from this direction, the road felt longer and I was questioning few moments did I really see this when I cycled towards Stockholm?! The most important on this day was to reach Jonöker and a little bit more, so, then next day I have less km until Linköping. At the 134km I stopped and looked for campsite. No more. Exhausted. To make my campsite, I used my last strentgh, because I had to carry the bags from the road off to no path in forest. I found a neat spot. My camspites are usually built off from the sight, that's why I had to carry all the heavy gear several times. It's always worth it as I have a talent to find good spots.
Day 2 June 14th
I didn't have that good sleep that night. I woke up early, packed my gear and stuff. No breakfast as I didn't feel that hungry. That was not the right decisions, I didn't feel hunger because I was still tired, and thought earlier I go, faster I will get. No. After 10-12km I had to stop. There by the road was a nice little birch spot where I made a home feeling. This place would have been a perfect spot for campsite, only it was too close, basically, next to the road that I would not feel safe all night.
Cooked nice noodle soup breakfast and make bulletproof coffee. After this, I had my energy to continue the journey. Yes, this was a better plan and good I listened my body than went on a crazy idea to just go without any food. Today it was only 86km (or so). Since I cycled more yesterday. Now towards Linköping I am taking a different route, the one I thought to do before cycling towards Stockholm, but that big steep hill scared me. Now I was ridding downhill. Much better! Also, most of the route later was the old E4. This time I didn't mind this kind short route nearby loud roads. After my breakfast spot, I saw many, many good campsite spots, so, next time I know where to camp.
Then the days best moment, well, meeting Sanita and her family in Linköping was amazing moment too, but this one... I didn't know I was reaching the peak of the hill. Before it, I met another cyclist. Swiss older man (reminded me of my friend Kurt in Dörröd). He was cycling to St. Petersbourgh. I noticed how HAPPY, enthuasistic he was and even a bit admired his pure joy of life. Living life, cycling and just being THIS HAPPY. Later I understood why. He did say something about that in 2km I will see something beautiful, but I didn't really hear-hear it, just thought "mmmokay". After these 2km, yes, IT GOT ME TOO. I saw IT. I felt the same happiness as he. I can't explain in words what I saw, it was beautiful the overall experience. Cycling down the hill, I cried.
I reached Linköping 14:30 NICEEEE!!! I think the earliest destination reach + not that little km ride, but 80 something.
I was rushing to LK because I wanted to hang out and meet for longer my instagram friend Sanita and her family, so, that was my reason I had to pedal fast. This vegan family was wonderful. Both kiddos cute, lovely and such different personalities. And Sanita, wow, she is amazing woman. She had made very delicious protein loaded chocolate muffins which she is giving with me for my trip.
Day 3 June 15th
Day 4 June 16th

Last half day June 17th


In the big city I ended up not doing much. Most of time I was exhausted and sleeping lots, only twice I met with few friends that Friday when I arrived and later with my latvian friend we went to Fotografiska. And had fika lunch with a friend who I met as a hitchhiker in Lund, she was telling me her big news that she is off to China in autumn! Also, I had a short meeting with two cyclists "The mighty ride", two guys who were aboutt o start their big trip accross Sweden. Then a day before I left, in the evening I had meeting with the Lettiska forening team. I stayed too long talking to one of the colleagues, that waking up next day at 4am felt the hardest part of the trip. Before departure day, a friend who works at Latvian Embassy in Stockholm, fixed some small details on my bicycle in front of the embassy. Yes, I also had fika in my country's embassy, so for a shortwile I was "in Latvia". Strong coffee did the magic, with very good management skills I had packed smart all my stuff and off I could go. When I left, the city was quiet, calm but the morning light was so beautiful! I pedaled, didn't take photos as I thought I must just leave the city area as fast as I can. It was exactly 50km until Mörkö from Latvia's embassy, I thought it was a fun fact to remember. Also, just when I was already too far and the keys of apartament left in the postbox, I realized I forgot my phone's charger. What an idiot! Anyway, I share my notes from the journal I kept further.

On my way back I didn't write that much notes as on the way to Stockholm. It was because I was cycling longer distances and hours now and in the evenings I just felt so tired. The last energy I put for setting up a tent. Sometimes I had to push my bike with bags through some forests without paths as I prefered to be more hidden and off the road sight. Cooking dinner had become like a calm ritual, even if I didn't feel hungry, I just did it for the sake of having this ritual. At that moment I didn't need to think, just sit, listen to nature sound and rest. So, that's why not so much long or detailed notes. Although, when I arrived back in Skåne, I did write down few moments I still remembered.
Day 1 June 13th
What a nice early start! At 5:11 the city still asleep. I kind of imagined that in the capital it's different, but, right, I am in Sweden, not London or NYC. I got out from Stockholm relatively easier than when I tried to find the way in. 50km done in 3h and it the length is from Latvias Embassy until the ferry station towards Mörkö. As I started earlier and so many km already done, I decided to just continue as far as I can today. I had the energy too. After all so many days I rested in Stockholm. At 3pm I arrived outside Nyköping, there I took a short break. I felt exhausted. Also I think if I am not wrong, it was my 100th km. At this spot in the forest I made late lunch. For a moment I thought maybe I could stay here? It's already 100km done. However, it was just a late afternoon and I knew I can give energy for at least 3-4 more hours.
When I cycled through town, I got a bit lost. It was during the rush hour (well, small here, but still) and I didn't understand their strange road system. Surprisingly the local drivers were so, so, soooo nice to me when I cycled on the road (not many cycling paths there). As soon as I reached again the MAX burger restaurant, I was fine. I knew where am I and didn't need to worry about map. Only, when cycling from this direction, the road felt longer and I was questioning few moments did I really see this when I cycled towards Stockholm?! The most important on this day was to reach Jonöker and a little bit more, so, then next day I have less km until Linköping. At the 134km I stopped and looked for campsite. No more. Exhausted. To make my campsite, I used my last strentgh, because I had to carry the bags from the road off to no path in forest. I found a neat spot. My camspites are usually built off from the sight, that's why I had to carry all the heavy gear several times. It's always worth it as I have a talent to find good spots.
What a nice early start! At 5:11 the city still asleep. I kind of imagined that in the capital it's different, but, right, I am in Sweden, not London or NYC. I got out from Stockholm relatively easier than when I tried to find the way in. 50km done in 3h and it the length is from Latvias Embassy until the ferry station towards Mörkö. As I started earlier and so many km already done, I decided to just continue as far as I can today. I had the energy too. After all so many days I rested in Stockholm. At 3pm I arrived outside Nyköping, there I took a short break. I felt exhausted. Also I think if I am not wrong, it was my 100th km. At this spot in the forest I made late lunch. For a moment I thought maybe I could stay here? It's already 100km done. However, it was just a late afternoon and I knew I can give energy for at least 3-4 more hours.
When I cycled through town, I got a bit lost. It was during the rush hour (well, small here, but still) and I didn't understand their strange road system. Surprisingly the local drivers were so, so, soooo nice to me when I cycled on the road (not many cycling paths there). As soon as I reached again the MAX burger restaurant, I was fine. I knew where am I and didn't need to worry about map. Only, when cycling from this direction, the road felt longer and I was questioning few moments did I really see this when I cycled towards Stockholm?! The most important on this day was to reach Jonöker and a little bit more, so, then next day I have less km until Linköping. At the 134km I stopped and looked for campsite. No more. Exhausted. To make my campsite, I used my last strentgh, because I had to carry the bags from the road off to no path in forest. I found a neat spot. My camspites are usually built off from the sight, that's why I had to carry all the heavy gear several times. It's always worth it as I have a talent to find good spots.

Day 2 June 14th
I didn't have that good sleep that night. I woke up early, packed my gear and stuff. No breakfast as I didn't feel that hungry. That was not the right decisions, I didn't feel hunger because I was still tired, and thought earlier I go, faster I will get. No. After 10-12km I had to stop. There by the road was a nice little birch spot where I made a home feeling. This place would have been a perfect spot for campsite, only it was too close, basically, next to the road that I would not feel safe all night.
Cooked nice noodle soup breakfast and make bulletproof coffee. After this, I had my energy to continue the journey. Yes, this was a better plan and good I listened my body than went on a crazy idea to just go without any food. Today it was only 86km (or so). Since I cycled more yesterday. Now towards Linköping I am taking a different route, the one I thought to do before cycling towards Stockholm, but that big steep hill scared me. Now I was ridding downhill. Much better! Also, most of the route later was the old E4. This time I didn't mind this kind short route nearby loud roads. After my breakfast spot, I saw many, many good campsite spots, so, next time I know where to camp.
Then the days best moment, well, meeting Sanita and her family in Linköping was amazing moment too, but this one... I didn't know I was reaching the peak of the hill. Before it, I met another cyclist. Swiss older man (reminded me of my friend Kurt in Dörröd). He was cycling to St. Petersbourgh. I noticed how HAPPY, enthuasistic he was and even a bit admired his pure joy of life. Living life, cycling and just being THIS HAPPY. Later I understood why. He did say something about that in 2km I will see something beautiful, but I didn't really hear-hear it, just thought "mmmokay". After these 2km, yes, IT GOT ME TOO. I saw IT. I felt the same happiness as he. I can't explain in words what I saw, it was beautiful the overall experience. Cycling down the hill, I cried.
I reached Linköping 14:30 NICEEEE!!! I think the earliest destination reach + not that little km ride, but 80 something.
I was rushing to LK because I wanted to hang out and meet for longer my instagram friend Sanita and her family, so, that was my reason I had to pedal fast. This vegan family was wonderful. Both kiddos cute, lovely and such different personalities. And Sanita, wow, she is amazing woman. She had made very delicious protein loaded chocolate muffins which she is giving with me for my trip.
I didn't have that good sleep that night. I woke up early, packed my gear and stuff. No breakfast as I didn't feel that hungry. That was not the right decisions, I didn't feel hunger because I was still tired, and thought earlier I go, faster I will get. No. After 10-12km I had to stop. There by the road was a nice little birch spot where I made a home feeling. This place would have been a perfect spot for campsite, only it was too close, basically, next to the road that I would not feel safe all night.
Cooked nice noodle soup breakfast and make bulletproof coffee. After this, I had my energy to continue the journey. Yes, this was a better plan and good I listened my body than went on a crazy idea to just go without any food. Today it was only 86km (or so). Since I cycled more yesterday. Now towards Linköping I am taking a different route, the one I thought to do before cycling towards Stockholm, but that big steep hill scared me. Now I was ridding downhill. Much better! Also, most of the route later was the old E4. This time I didn't mind this kind short route nearby loud roads. After my breakfast spot, I saw many, many good campsite spots, so, next time I know where to camp.
Then the days best moment, well, meeting Sanita and her family in Linköping was amazing moment too, but this one... I didn't know I was reaching the peak of the hill. Before it, I met another cyclist. Swiss older man (reminded me of my friend Kurt in Dörröd). He was cycling to St. Petersbourgh. I noticed how HAPPY, enthuasistic he was and even a bit admired his pure joy of life. Living life, cycling and just being THIS HAPPY. Later I understood why. He did say something about that in 2km I will see something beautiful, but I didn't really hear-hear it, just thought "mmmokay". After these 2km, yes, IT GOT ME TOO. I saw IT. I felt the same happiness as he. I can't explain in words what I saw, it was beautiful the overall experience. Cycling down the hill, I cried.
I reached Linköping 14:30 NICEEEE!!! I think the earliest destination reach + not that little km ride, but 80 something.
I was rushing to LK because I wanted to hang out and meet for longer my instagram friend Sanita and her family, so, that was my reason I had to pedal fast. This vegan family was wonderful. Both kiddos cute, lovely and such different personalities. And Sanita, wow, she is amazing woman. She had made very delicious protein loaded chocolate muffins which she is giving with me for my trip.

Day 3 June 15th

Day 4 June 16th

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Last half day June 17th

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For photography message me on my fb page or
For photography message me on my fb page or
Photo IG // Adventure IG
Photo IG // Adventure IG
Thank you for reading.
Stay safe and healthy.
Thank you for reading.
Stay safe and healthy.
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