Explore Skåne : Dörröd in autumn.// The happy autumn colours are here!

A special nature 'sanctuary' in Skåne.
Or simply one of the best airbnbs.
The happy dogs ranch.
It is a place to be for everyone at least once in a lifetime, to see happy animals with their characters and different personalities, to learn that animals are just as smart as we are, only here these are happily depending on "their bosses/parents" that will give them shelter, feed them and give cuddles or soft sound kind words, so they can just simply enjoy their life!
I might say it out loud, but I think that Happy dogs ranch is the best and most visited airbnbs/travel stays in Skåne. There is no any other place like them. From my personal experience when I have visited places like theirs - as a farm-stay/travel/airbnb/hostel/etc., HDR has that one special thing what in other places I felt were missing and didn't give you that wish for returning more and more - it's a soul to a place. Happy dogs ranch's background is a hard work to build and keep it all, but people who have put this effort to create place like this gave in with heart and soul, than just "we need the money to survive". Of course, its business, but, without any high university lectures in business courses, we know that the best business is when it's your passion, interests and heart and soul put in.
The animals are happy. They have no idea how lucky they are, but maybe they do as they show affection and love to their "bosses/parents" everyday. The pigs (such characters! bossy girls with one boy), llamas (they are the queens), sheep (friendly and bubbly, and hungry 24h), dogs (the happiest weirdos Ive met!), cats (rarely seen! busy with cat duties), chickens (very shy chicks).... Now the lambs from spring visit have grown up and act like boring adults, the big pig got a tiny baby, chickens also have more inhabitants to their social group, so, life goes on on a farm!
I would like to write more on personalities and fun stories on each animal I have learnt in my few stays with them, but that I will leave for another time, or go and book yourself a stay at their ranch and discover their animal characters by yourself! I could go on and on talking about animals, as I love them and I always have been "looking for" human characters in animals, that I always made up stories with dogs&cats as they are just like me (well, they are, but just don't talk in human language). It's just more interesting to see them like us, than separate them in a box "just an animal".
Ever since we visited Happy Dogs Ranch for the first time in March, 2017, we can't get enough of it and we keep returning than chossing a new airbnb or a corner to explore. Sometimes its more valuable to built new friendships than keep running around searching more .
So, enjoy seeing all my too many photos (again)!
On a personal note.
On a personal note.
This autumn visit for me personally was a heavy low energy need for "to get out from the city". Being there I had a time to reflect this emotion, why it sometimes gets so strong, so heavy like I am claustrophobic in town. During this year, I did notice I am not made for a city, and barely understand the fashion codes and social-swedish rules, and I simply don't have the city Chiquita inside me. At the first morning on the ranch, I said to Kurt and Lisa that every time after long time being away from nature escape, my first mornings in the nature feels like a massive hangover. (Yes, I still remember those days even it has been years and years of I was last time intentionally getting drunk.) During this stay I joined for morning walks with dogs. Well, nature is the best therapy, and to my mental state nature escape is the best I can give to myself as a self-loving act. During walks, it reminded me my time in Cornwall, and then I started to compare my life before and now, and after, and so on, to find this sometimes strong like soul screaming need for nature.
I might have kept my mind busy, but I also got a long time to just simply be and look around. I begun to remind me my "old" education, reading "Art psychology: colors", I knew that all I need is to be in nature, look on the details , using photography as art therapy method on details. Luckily this is autumn when the colors are bright yellow, some orange, some red and still some pure green. All what I needed to 'see' when using these days as 'color therapy'. So, here will be many, many, many nature photos and if you get bored of scrolling down, that's okay! In the end I do these posts for myself, and if someone interested - great!
Links and such.
I can't find how to have a link of all their bookings, but I am sure it is relevantly easy to find them on airbnb, but here is cabin stay.
They have a website/blog too if interested.
And INSTAGRAM, where Kurt shares of the daily everyday life and his artwork.

Thank you for reading and
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