Latvia: Bumbukalnins (Ball hill) - wake up early and explore your yard. A sight of an eagle of Riga.

Bumbukalnins - wake up early and explore your yard.
A sight of an eagle of Riga.
Do you know that thing people do when they move to a new area and kind of settle in straight away just for the comfort and not explore their new surrounding? Well, there is that kind person, and then there are other kind people like I and my brother. We do the opposite.
My family - we as a family, have not moved much around, but I since I am 17 have been moving a lot. My family moved to Riga, but to one of the greenest areas, not the one which people think of when hearing Imanta, but the other side of the railway. I was looking on a map, when noticed a funny name "Bumbu kalnins" (Ball's hill), and definitely, a spot must go visit if living so close, also for the city kiddos, a great location to go if don't want to travel far to the sightseeing towers.
We did not catch the sunrise, first I was doing my driving "lesson" with mum, then we stopped and I climbed up. Who would have expected this place next to home? Fantastic! And in Riga!!!!

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