Summer in Malmö: Beaches, friends, couchsurfers, music&parties, sunsets&rain, fafalel&wine, cycling, beers and ice cream.

Summer in Malmö.
Late nights, beach life, fun with friends, adventures with couchsurfers,
random parties, wine evenings with sunsets, dancing in the rain, fafalel&beer,
cycling and ice cream.
Here is a post about the adventures outside Malmö and the whole list if interested to read/see photos of the other places in Skåne. Click here.
This was my first summer in Malmö and summer at one place than travelling or moving around. I enjoyed it, except a fact that I did not get any job I applied for (cafes and such), I am just very unlucky, donät know why this happens to me, but luckily I always stay positive and hope for the best to happen! In Malmö, I had several visitors friends & couchsurfers and making new friends with locals. A colourful summer, but not so adventurous as usual, my life is.
A couchsurfer girl who cycled from Vienna to Stockholm, another girl hitchhiking from the Netherlands to Sweden. Then my friend had some couchsurfers with who I also was hanging out, they were from Hong Kong, Australia and Germany. My friend Elin who I met at Ridgedale permaculture farm came to visit with her new van "white pearl", and a Latvian guy Martin who I met in Denmark at the creative&environemntal collective. Then a big surprise - Lisa my university friend from the UK visited shortly! Just really a bunch of fun and nice people.
But now it's autumn, back to university and new stress - need to firn a new place to live, as my previous housemates in a very last minute (while I went to visit family) facebook messaged me I need to leave, haha. Great communication! Oh, well, the problem is, a lot of shit happens in my life, but somehow I stay freakishly positive. Hope those mantras "stay positive" will one day pay back me! :D

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