Malmö: My first Valborg living in a city. Malmö, Limhamn.

Valborg in Limhamn, Malmö.
My first Valborg in a city and of course I still kept away from the crowd. I cannot enjoy crowds:)) Also didn't stay long, just to see it light up and okay, bye, bye, let's go home. On the way cycling back through Malmö, it felt so unusual that streets this late are busy with cyclists! I even noticed that some locals who came out their homes to smoke were following with their eyes the cyclist queues with questioning face "what's happening here?". Then I remembered one my Airbnb guest, who said that she felt so scared in Malmö that it was so empty at 10pm! She was from Belgrad and life there is the same action as in Budapest at nights. I could agree, I also sometimes don't feel comfortable when Malmö gets so empty at 7pm already, but Malmöers are season-going out people, what to expect! It's such an introvert city, people loooooove to be at home.:)))

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