These few first September mornings have been the most beautiful this year. |
Life in Dörröd: 2 weeks at Happy Dogs ranch. // Airbnb.
The end of August and beginning of September might be one of my favourite "seasons" in nature. So, you can imagine how happy I was knowing I will spend that time out in the countryside with the forest on the doorstep.
The light, the nature sounds and smell changes. Seasonal transformation is in the air. It's one of the best moments to observe nature, all transformation of season periods are my favourite. Changes. Small details. That's why Sami people have
8 seasons instead 4. In my reality, I also live 8 seasons.
During this house-sitting, my duties were shared with Ylva, a long time friend to the owners of Happy dogs ranch. What a fantastic lady! I enjoyed coffee or wine times with her and shared dog walks.
The main duties were the mourning and afternoon ritual of feeding all the animals. Ylva had taken on her shoulder more - she also prepared for all 6 dogs meals and 3 cats. She knew each dog's quirky food habits too. It's like with kids, they all have their special needs! :)
On my way to the ranch from Malmö, Cycling. |
So life with happy dogs begins... And sheep. We were there a day before for dinner, and we had a funny moment. Sheep are so funny, their short memory... they forgot they've eaten so kept yelling on us, humans, to feed them. Just because they got their food before pigs.
But look how happy is Selma Louise that Viktor cuddling her and not any other dog 😂.
A day before we "move in", we had dinner with Kurt and Liz, dogs seemed very happy that mama and papa going away. Or they just LOOOOOOOVE CUDDLES. |
All of them waiting for their delicious dinner. |
The first morning walk with the dogs. |
/August, 25/ "This village Dörröd feels like our place already even we don't have our own house here. Now we're back in Dörröd for house sitting and taking care of happy farm animals for 11ish days. This will be fun! We already had our first-morning walk "job" and I met my little friend Chai (neighbour's dog I have grown a special heart-full connection with), she was so happy to see us I almost cried how happy I was seeing her. Never ever thought a dog would steal my hear."
I obviously had to say hi to my Chai and her gang - Morris and Messa. |
Trying to get a photo with them. Failure. |
One of those mornings "I don't wanna go anywhere". |
The royal family of the dogs. |
The most important morning duty: feed the piggies.
Our morning started before 8am. We prepared food for the big lady pigs in pink buckets (I always remember only Rosie's name, the other two I can't, all animals on Happy dogs ranch have names!). Then in black buckets for the boys and girls - little piglets.
And the funniest moment is when we walk with the buckets towards the girl gang, and they all scream, squeak, make such crazy noise like one would think they are in pain, maybe they are in pain, in pain of constant hunger, haha. They could eat non-stop, they do that. Must admit, these piggies are spoiled like the dogs too, they get such a fancy meal! :) And all the snacks we and neighbours gave - apples, acorns! What a happy life!
After the pigs, the sheep gang starts singing too... They have learnt - pigs first, they are next, just wait for the moment when you gotta mix up the sequence... The sheep gets confused and forgets they already got fed before pigs, they see us feeding pigs and they KNOW "oh, we are next!". It's crazy! Don't do it, but it happened few times due to early "let in back in the home yard" from the big yard across the road. Only because sheep Bubbles or Freckles had escaped, so, after the "chase", I had to switch them all earlier to their home yard. I don't know why they always expected it's time, it's 17:00 let us back at home. Even though they prefer the big yard as apple trees grow there. Ay, funny life with farm animals!
1. Wake up and check the weather, what do you need to wear, obviously. |
2. Pick up the buckets. Wash them. Start filling up the pig-girl buckets. Then the boys. |
3. Off you go! Following the noise of squeaking piggies. |
This was their Friday snack bucket like Swedes have their fredags godis so then piggies too! |
One of the most beautiful mornings with the sheep gang and llamas, the queen and diva.
There are no boring mornings ever with this sheep gang of daughters and mothers and sisters and cousins. They love to be one field upper because there are apple trees. Last night I walked up to them and asked the tree to drop more apples. This morning they'll have a huge brunch! It's like a chocolate cake for breakfast!
Oh, and there was ONE MYSTICAL MORNING. With such beautiful light and fog, and... ALL SHEEP OUTSIDE THE GATE. HAAA! It was an early weekend morning, too early, before 6am. Needless to say, I did not go back to sleep. It seemed much worse than it was. They actually didn't run away, they stood looking on the other gates to the delicious secret apple garden. But I kept hearing in my head "who let the sheep out who, who". It seemed stressful morning, but they're not runners away, I just had to be quick opening gates. Maybe I'll become the philosopher and sheep whisperer and travel around the world with my gang like "the alchemist"?
But at that moment seeing them all outside the gate, I freaked out! They have too happy and too good life with Kurt and Liz, no need to run away to explore the world, :).
Everyday Moments.
the other day we run out of grains for piggies. We drove to a farm shop to get more, and how fascinated I was seeing that this open trust is still out there. I obviously have seen the farmer's garden food stands where you grab veggies and pay money in the box. But a real, big farm shop - you come and choose what you need and pay in the envelope, I hadn't seen before. While we were choosing the right pig food, my farm colleague said: "They're pigs, they'll eat anything." Another customer overheard and laughed, asking if we're "the new farmers"? I thought its such a nice label. I want to be the new farmer one day.

/AUG, 27/ Hello, the perfect rainy Monday. Everyone wants to be indoors today. Except for the chicks, they gladly walk around the yard digging up the garden. The sheep are hiding, the llamas occasionally show their nose, all the happy dogs sleeping in their beds or sofas, the cats being countryside cats - imagining to be backpackers who can handle any weather. Surprisingly pigs are also hiding and napping, even if I saw them running around in the reason a while ago. This Monday officially is an all day long napping day. // |
Jackie, the hunter, and Selma, the beauty queen. Two happy rescue dogs living up the life in the highlands of Skåne. |
Hey, Soda, don't make it bad, take a forest walk and make it better remember your parents are back next week |
Hanging out with the piggie gang.
/AUG, 29/ Did you know the Latvian language doesn't really have to swear words like the juicy Russian or harsh British words. But we do have some, we have funky and funny, and most of the time you wanna laugh when hear someone saying "idritvaikociņ". My British friends loved my "jopcik!". Especially old Latvian grannies have some incredibly funny words in mind. But most of the time I remember we called each other in animal species "you're such cow/chatter like a hen". And then the pig was the worse. I'd never mind to be called a pig because, hey, they're amazing, funny, smart and always hungry. Just like me. They love mud, I too but only in a spa. They like outdoors, me too! They seem to be messy, but they've their own organised mess. Yup, yup, I'm a pig! :)
The photo tribute to the coolest and energetic piggies from Skåne Highlands! I wish they stayed this small, I'd then definitely have them in my future house backyard 😀. If you've, do you've your favourite farm animal? I can't decide, pigs, cows, lamas, sheep, chicks... Love them all!
and more of everyday moments on the ranch.
/AUG, 28/ "Sometimes the Google translate is so much fun and Viktor thinks I'm an immature child when giggling on weirdly translated words. Acorn from Latvian word translated to "the tits".
This morning picked few tits for the pigs, they looooove this fatty treat. But another fun fact, when worrying that we didn't get enough leftover food from the shop (they collect pig food for this ranch), then the simple answer is: a lot of stuff what people find not useful laying in nature, are perfect for animals.
The house we will stay in October! |
Oh, those cosy evening moments... |
hahaha, yup, some mornings I took a chill pill and could have my breakfast and coffee in the sunshine. |
/AUG, 28/ Most of the time I'm between seasons and surrounded by six dogs. A moment away from this photo, something happened out there in the world that they all run away barking nuts.
If my Instagram was about teaching how to live better, greener and sustainable lifestyle, this would be a super long text about how I have lived 60% of days in this dress which I bought for 1,5€ in a second-hand shop in Latvia. It wasn't a
#minimalist challenge, just me being me. I won't tell you that it's okay to be lazy which is called the minimalist wardrobe or something. :)
And the gang's sweetheart is this lovely lady Allie. She's small but strong. On the morning walks, she finds the big stones, jumps on them and looks at you... Now I learnt that she's taught to do that and if she does, gets a dog treat! It looks so funny |
Before feeding pigs, you need the gang's boss's nose approval. |
My favourite plant and my favourite vegetable soup with this plant, I can't find the Swedish name for it. t's sour, and seems it grows more into the wild than gardens, as people to whom I asked, did not really know or had never used in food! |
And the final full day at the ranch.
Waiting for Kurt and Liz arrive in the late afternoon.
/SEP, 10/ The last evening on the farm was calm. We were sitting outdoors enjoying the sunshine finally. Piggies and sheep got treats, and we had ice creams to celebrate the "trial of being a new farmer". all the dogs were out playing, even the grey Asta who usually slept in bed all day, but now was out and playing with a frisbee. It felt so normal as it would be our everyday life and return to Malmö is never happening, but just one more sleep. This evening Zoda and Selma was more upset, I wonder for how long their parents in dogs time sense were away? The arrival welcome was funny full of barking and very happy dogs... Only in the first minutes they were confused, didn't react seeing them. Maybe they thought they imagine? When I kept saying "look, who's home!", finally, Zoda and Selma realised and the rest of the gang followed them!
Maybe I imagine it, but in some ways, it felt dogs knew they are coming, and they were especially cuddly and close to us this day like giving a good quality goodbye time.
Ahh, thank you, Kurt and Liz, and all the Happy dog's ranch gang, and funniest and loveliest Ylva!
The morning starts as usual as can it get. |
Of course, the dogs are impatience for their morning walk. |
Allie's trick. She hopes for a snack if she jumps on a rock. |
Oh, just look at those tiny, lazy doggies! |
kurtjensendesign |
Allie and Elina hang out. |
Of course, if Allie hanging out with me, then Selma will want too! |
They are supposed to be friends, they are "cousins", but the little grey dog Asta gets so JEALOUS of Allie, and Allie is such a cutie...She does not treat her back badly, she is kind, but Asta loves being mean to Allie. Just look at her look! Haha. |
..and then the next day back to Malmö I cycled.
Thank you for reading or/and looking at the photos through this long, long post.
Thank you to Kurt and Liz for the trust!
Here is their website:
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