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Life in Sweden // Moments of March 2017

- A quick and short visit to the capital city of Sweden: Stockholm. Finally, meeting a long time no see friends and places, and I was all overwhelmed how much I had missed them and this city. Some of them I had not seen since 2014, and it was interesting to meet after all these years and I heard how surprised they were seeing with my changes. Which were based on my outside look.I haven't talked about it online so much, but turning to more greenish diet, my skin, hair and weight improved. Anyway, it was great catch up. I love Stockholm.
- Continued the healthy green mindful journey with Malin. Sauna days and sea swimming, gardening and learning new facts and tips about food. Malin is a smart-ass nutritionist and I learnt a lot from her, especially on spices mixing with food, and greens you can grow on a window sill.
- A fun colourful fika dates with Polly (and Malin for pancakes). We tried the new version of "vegan Easter eggs". For the colourful rainbow look, I used different kind powders, some of them are very common to have at home: turmeric, cocoa, cinnamon and kardemumma. The little bit more special was spirulina, wheatgrass, blueberry powder, beetroot powder.
- AND the best part of this month also was to finally get my adventure bike out and start trainning! It has been pain in the ass theoreticly and literally, but so worth it! Gives a freedom and full on joy to reach nature without paying for bus ride! And we had our first visit to Happy Dogs ranch, a place I know we will return more. Here follow this link to read or look at my first impression of the place,click.

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