Explore Skåne: my first bicycle trip : Malmö - Knivsåsen.

Explore Skåne: my first bicycle trip : Malmö - Knivsåsen.
Cycling from Malmö to Dalby.
When I decided to live in Malmö instead Stockholm, my plan was to start more planned outdoor lifestyle and get stronger for distance adventure cycling. This was my first trip during Easter holidays.
I was all prepared, everything packed and organized, and then I thought - could maybe invite a friend for a company? What I didn't expect is that a friend with no any camping experience will come along cycling in jeans. No judgment, but I could have recommend her few tips so she'd enjoy this adventure more, because as soon as the campsite was ready, campfire made and thermos of wine brought out... And sun had set down. She freaked out. "So, do we go to sleep and wake up with the sun? What do we do now?" I said:"We do as we want, usually when campfire is on and sun down, we sit around fire share stories or stay in silence, in camping there are no rules on what and how you should live while camping. Just be, but don't disturb and destroy nature."
Around 9 pm she became more afraid. And wanted to go home. So, she found nearest busstop, begged the driver to take on two bikes on the bus, and we were home by 11 pm. I didn't stay as she wanted I take her to the bus, and we shared a lot of gear I'd not be able to take home alone on a bike with me. In the end, I was okay with decision. I only thought she could have warned me that she has never gone camping than sign up on my post "who's in for a spring adventure". Since then I'm very careful in this situation who tells me they want to join my adventures "because it looks fun".
Seeing my photos is one thing, but the reality behind the scenes isn't all that perfect campsite image. Or when travelling. Can make an adventure from whatever gear as long as have the spirit in tune too. I'm very flexible, have no high needs, accept the situation easily, I'm only a nightmare when I'm hungry. ;)
But in overall the trip was nice! I really would not have minded if we had knew we are going just as a daytrip! Not at all! It is a nice bike ride, it does take a bit energy for newbies with the uphill situation, but in general - perfect distance and route. Can stop in Dalby town to buy camping food so then half of the trip don't need to carry it. BUT if want to NOT cycle, it is simple to get the bus to Knivsåsen with skånetrafiken.
Getting there:
Lund : Regionbuss 160 mot Sjöbo via Dalby
Malmö: SkåneExpressen 8 mot Sjöbo
Busstation: KNIVÅSEN.
Approx time: 30min
Knivåsen - knife sauce - park is not natural, it's human made "lake", where goes many people during summer as one of the nearest nature escapes with swimming option to Lund. Can read more here: Knivsåsen.

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