Explore and see the world. Online websites for travelers.

online traveler sites.


I recently started to search for articles about nomads, cheap traveling, lifestyle as traveler, hitchhiking(not so many,but..) and other articles, blogs, journals, sites, etc  which includes keyword ‘traveling’. (upd2016:at the end of the post there’s some new updates I have found, this info I wrote in 2013)

As I am not so often online (even though my phone does get wi-fi around Sweden everywhere), I dont have enough time to search or dig in deeper at this. But few interesting sites I have found and I would love to share with you. I have had collected some of these for years, but now I was more curious to find out on online what else is out there for traveller?!

One which stood out for me was : http://becomenomad.com/ , because there are so many great articles about people who lives as nomads. I read the articles exactly at the moment when I was feeling a little bit down with my lifestyle, but reading all the stories helped me to get back up on my feet and cheer up! Only thing about this site - it is based on nomads who DOES earn money through some kind of 'digital work’ so they are called 'digital nomads’.


When I search for 'nomad’  site, I expected to read more similar to my situation… But this article ( http://becomenomad.com/category/nomad-knowledge/nomad-philosophy/ ) is all I needed to find!

Another great site I found is http://www.off-the-path.com/ , maybe I have not yet explored the site so much but it is nice that often there are updates from travellers around the world and can read a relevant article, for example, this one : http://www.off-the-path.com/2012/01/excuse-me-where-is-home/ Its a sensitive subject to traveller, nomad, supertramp, etc. The word 'home’ has been a very sensitive topic to me for many years which since early youth I have explored in philosophical and metaphorical manner a lot.


 As some of you know who knows me from outside-online-world, I used to travel a lot via COUCHSURFING. But this is a different story about me and couchsurfing. Recently I discovered bewelcome.org, and tried it last weekend when I went to Göteborg. There was a hosting site for hitchhikers (can’t recall name.. sorry)  and for travel-cyclists: https://www.warmshowers.org/
Also 2-3 years ago I discovered http://www.workaway.info/ and I think at first I didnt have to pay for it , later the membership appeared, but I think it is amazing site if you are going to use this site for several volunteers than one time, because it’s a bit too much to pay for a year and use it once, in my opinion. I have friends who got amazing experience with workaway, I didnt get to use it. Next, wwoofing, of course, but my wwoofers experience was through friend’s farm, that didn’t need to make account and search for a farm (some another year I will try this way!). And what else? Maybe to some will this site help, not sure if it is developing, seems a bit quiet, but maybe! http://www.volunteersbase.com/

Yes, then I found http://www.staydu.com/ - I have been following it for a while, I liked to read the articles they posted. And now I see that this site also is working as couchsurfing/hospitalityclub/bewelcome sites… Don’t know much yet, but it seems promising!It is interesting to read blogs of fellow travellers, nomads, wanderers and also their articles in general. Now I made my account there and let’s see how it goes! :)

On staydu.com I also like that I can search for people who needs a help or just would like to meet someone new! It kind of sums up woofing+couchsurfing+workaway , but has slightly different philosophy of traveling. Maybe it is at the very beginning start (writting this post on 2013) as it is not so full of members, that could find anywhere someone, but that’s why it is nice - small and interesting people at the very early beginning of a great site which has really great potential to become one of best traveling-backpacking sites!

So, few about 'low-budget-traveling’ sites from my side.

Thank you for reading!
Let the sun shine on your way all the time.
/Elina Nomad
UPDATE in 2016I think a lot what I have written in 2013 has changed, some sites either grown larger or have not developed, and a lot more sites and suggestions have come up. Message me if wanna share something I have not written here, so, we can keep up this information:)

Some ebooks if willing to pay and support someone’s else dream: http://www.escapenormal.com/ebook/
check here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2016/07/27/23-companies-that-will-help-you-travel-the-world-for-free-and-maybe-even-pay-you-to-do-it/#53a982d6c51c
I noticed this site for solo traveler females: http://www.misstravel.com/

Good luck!
